Auranga Project, Drury
This project is located in the southern region of Auckland, specifically in Drury. Jebel is responsible for the design and construction of the project, while Kainga Ora oversees the initial development phase. The project includes 26 semi-detached homes and terraced houses, featuring two and three-bedroom configurations. The number of floors varies from one to two.
The land area encompasses 5,258 square meters, with each unit having a floor area ranging from 75 to 120 square meters, and each house comes with dedicated parking spaces.
In terms of materials, we have selected materials that prioritize long-term maintenance and practicality. Additionally, each unit offers spacious courtyard areas and terraces, catering to residents of all age groups. For this project, we provide a 10-year Master Builder guarantee, offering a secondary level of assurance for the quality of the homes.